working habits

I’m a junior in college.

That means that I’ve been doing school for nearly 15 years now. 15 bloody years!

And you’d think that in 15 years one would pick up some good working habits. What I’ve picked up is the habit of pulling allnighters. Really – I feel now that the only way I can really get something done is to wait until (nearly)all distractions go away (ie. TV gets turned off, blinds pulled down and everyone goes to sleep), sit down, and work till I’m done or maybe till I see the sun rising or I need to hand in whatever I’m working on.

And now it’s 10:30 PM and I have my tea, some food, my little green monster (which was very close to getting a new sleeve today, but I decided to wait with buying the wool till i actually have time to knit), a few books, lot of article summaries and a scary looking word document that will have to turn into a decent research funding proposal by 4 AM Sunday (Easter!) – I still have to decide on how many Karma point that will earn me.

Good news? At least some people I’m e-mailing about doing research at their facilities are replying (those I e-mailed in March have not done so yet).

Why did a math-brain like me decide to major in social sciences?

well, better get to work (or watch a new episode of bones first, to reward myself for a e-mail-athon that just ended. Man, I should’ve assigned Karma points to all of those stupid things on my most recent To Do list….)

frustrated junior over and out.

6 AM update

the proposal is slowly being written. I’m still avoiding the most difficult parts. I’m not sleepy anymore, or at least I’m not noticing the fact that I’m sleepy. I should’ve taken my contacts out. I started eating the dog cookies that are still on my table. They taste really bad, but my research will be about dogs and it’s kind of appropriate.

can someone explain Haraway or Levi-Strauss to me?

7:30 AM update

haven’t done much in the past hour and a half. Took my contacts out. Kind of organized my thoughts for the last section on the proposal. Shopped a bit :-)

I really didn’ want to, and it was so impulsive, but I noticed these two gorgeous items on etsy. And It’s a new shop and ships from HK and I just hope they’re legit. But I couldn’t resist. One if for my bubble sister.

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